#OMCChat Rules

Cyndy, Tom, and Steve (Ms. Goody Two-Shoes, Mr. Old Fart, and The Bad Boy) are not here to blow their own horns but to help you get a job, retain a job, find a career, establish a career, or salvage a career. #OMCchat is about getting real answers to the hard and at times confusing questions about jobs and careers. Think of us as the folks who tell you how the magic tricks are done – how to speak to recruiters, how to communicate during interviews, what resumes should really say, or when not to let your hair (or your pants) down during an interview.

#OMCchat is unscripted and raw so (a) your questions run the chat and (b) the answers might contain perspectives you haven’t heard before. Like the notion that many recruiters don’t read cover letters or that functional resumes are stupid. You might even discover that those of us who have actually recruited know more about recruiting than that career services advisor of yours who came into Career Service via Res Life. Well OMG how could that be?

Yes, we’re opinionated, snarky and probably a bit obtuse (gratuitous Shawshank Redemption word) but we care more about jobseekers than we care about feeding our egos.

For us, you come first…

The Rules

First 5 minutes are introductions – feel free to be irreverent and snarky…even a soupçon of pain in the ass is fine with us.

If you want to ask a question, post a Tweet beginning with #QR (for question request) then the question; we’ll see it and pop it in the queue (that we control)

Only we can go to the next question (you can always answer a question at any time during the chat)

The last 10 minutes is for housekeeping and networking.

Future Chats

DM us your questions before the chat

The Players

Cyndy Trivella @CyndyTrivella

Tom Bolt @TomBolt

Steve Levy @LevyRecruits

Contact us – any of us – if you have any particular themes you’d like to see us discuss during subsequent chats…

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